Serbian translations

Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Belgrade


1. Translation

We pride ourselves in delivering high quality translations at affordable prices. Our service is punctual, reliable and straightforward.

Translation into Serbian can be delivered in Latin or Cyrillic fonts - please specify your preference at the outset.

Translations are usually delivered via email in Word format unless otherwise agreed.

The source text and the finished translation can be sent in a variety of software formats including Powerpoint, PDF and HTML files.

2. Editing / Proofreading

Sometimes the translated text needs to be checked, proofread or edited. For this purpose the original text and its translation need to be provided.

The improvements to the text can range from the correction of spelling errors to stylistic and idiomatic rewording.

The crosscultural knowledge is crucial to this work, as the nuances of expression need to be not only understood correctly, but also interpreted in the spirit of the target language.

3. Web design

In additon to translating your website, we can also implement an existing design with the translated copy or design the entire website from scratch.

For web design services, please consult